Sealants and Adhesives

Almost no part of our modern world is untouched by the technology offered by the Sealants and Adhesives industry and windows and doors are no exception.

However, advanced technology also means correctly specifying the best-suited products for the application they were designed for.

The New Zealand window industry selects and tests sealants and adhesives in the application they are intended to be used. This will ensure continued performance at an acceptable standard after many years of demanding service. As the formulas of the products change, there is a constant updating of technologies and laboratory testing to ensure that the products still work together as intended.

Each WANZ member window system manufacturer has access to the specifications and laboratory testing. This ensures that the appropriate products are being used in manufacturing processes and that customers receive the correct installation products supplied with their windows.

Sealants and adhesives can vary to a great extent in quality and, like paint; you can't tell what is inside the can. Therefore, Specifications are your most reliable guide.

The Window Association has newly developed performance standards for sealants and adhesives. As the results of the lengthy testing proceedures come to hand, we will post those results.

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