Trade Training

Are you interested in becoming a qualified tradesperson in the window industry?

The industry offers a wide range of opportunities and rewarding careers for both men and women of all ages.

Starting with students looking for a practical trade, we can offer work experience to help you decide on your career choices.

We also need graduates in a range of disciplines ranging from engineering, computer science, graphics, marketing, as well as sales, estimating, marketing and the like.

For all trades training in:

  • Aluminium Joinery
  • Timber Joinery
  • Glass and Glazing
  • and college student work-experience in the above - please contact us.

Use this these links to see career descriptions:

Aluminium Joinery Careers

Aluminium Joinery training is on-the-job where you learn as you earn.You must be employed in a window manufacturing or glazing business to obtain the training.

The training is subsidized and leads to National Qualifications registered by NZQA and recognised and sought after by the industry.

The Building and Construction Industry Training Organisation (BCITO)

BCITO Aluminium Joinery Qualifications

Glass and GlazinG Careers 

The Building and Construction Industry Training Organisation (BCITO)

BCITO Glass Training Qualifications

Click here to see what Careers Pathways are available in the Glass Industry

Employment Enquiries

Please contact us