Human Impact Safety Glazing NZS 4223.3:2016

A new 2016 version of the NZS4223 Glass Standards is now in effect from 30 May 2017.

As the Standard is a copyright document belonging to MBIE we are unable to provide you with a free copy. You can purchase a copy of the Standard from


We have developed a web-based decision tree that will help you navigate the Human Impact Section of the NZ Glazing Standard. However, please carefully note  you do need a complete copy of the Standard to fully understand what the Standard requires.

Please be sure to read all of the notes on the home page (located below the question bank).


You can also access the decision tree from your smart device such as iPhone, iPad and Android phones and tablets. Instructions for doing that are also in the notes section below the question bank.


Note: The old 1999 version of the Standard is now superseded by the 2016 version.

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